Some people hang with friends or finger paint in their free time. What a waste. I say if you have time to kill, do something significant with it.
*I've rescued princesses. I've slain Dracula half a dozen times. I've saved the galaxy from aliens. I've also conquered it more times than I can count. I journeyed with four warriors of light, saving a land that will never remember our sacrifice. I defeated Dark Dragon (twice). I freed the realms of Hyrule, Ivalice, and Magvel. I've slain demons and devils from the darkest pits of hell, and singlehandedly prevented the zombie apocalypse. I've killed men for sport, and forced small animals to fight for my amusement. I've rescued queens and defeated emperors. I've commanded dragons, elves, and titans in battle. I've beaten my wife into unconsciousness, and laughed with maniacal glee while slaughtering fuzzy animals. I've halted the mad schemes of mad scientists a score of times. And I've eaten everything in sight and vomited it back out.
Does that sound like a waste of time to you?
*Super Mario Bros series, Castlevania, Metroid, Spaceward Ho!, Final Fantasy, Shining Sword 1 & 2, Zelda, Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Emblem, Diablo, Resident Evil, Unreal Tournament 2004, Pokemon, Lego Star Wars, Heroes of Might and Magic 1-4, Wii Sports boxing, SuperSmash Bros (I hate pikachu so much), MegaMan, and a couple Kirby games. There's more, but I got tired of this post.
1 year ago
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