Sunday, February 24, 2008

Animal Planet logo gets drunk, falls over.

Elephant and World leave citing "irreconcilable differences"

TV LAND- It's not surprising that Animal Planet, a network that's been around for over a decade, decided it was time to update it's logo. What is surprising are the circumstances surrounding that change.
Previously, spokescreatures for the station said they wanted to try a new logo that would show how "fresh and exciting" the new line-up would be. However, anonymous insiders have now told us the true reason for the change: Animal Planet is an alcoholic.
"In the beginning, it was a new logo. Hell, it was a brand new network." said Kristen Lynman, the Elephant's spokeswoman, "Animal Planet used to be all about the work. But lately it seems like it's been nothing but parties."
According to anonymous sources, "Animal Planet" has been drinking for years. It finally reached the point where Elephant and Earth weren't willing to deal with it anymore. Rather than risk a scandal, the network decided to just unveil a new "streamlined" logo.
"I think most people will see through it pretty quick," said one network executive, speaking on the condition of anonymity. "I mean, look at him there. Look at the 'M'. If you ask me, Elephant and Earth were the backbone of this station."
While there has been no official response from the network at this time, it seems pretty obvious that the logo has seen better days.
"Look at the 'M'," repeated our source, "This....this is like the Britney Spears of typography."


Olivia said...

Haha...hilarious title. I personally like the old logo better.

Anonymous said...

Makes me want to tear it apart >:(