Monday, September 22, 2008

Bill, the Ninja Killer

To understand the horror of the following story, all you need to know is this: I once pitched an idea involving ninjas.

The overall campaign was green-lighted, but the ninja's were killed. I recently discovered the method used to murder these silent assassins. And in hope of saving future ninjas, I share it with you.

In the hallways of the client the ninjas waited, silently planning to communicate a simple message to an unsuspecting populace. Then they overheard something like the following conversation:

Suzan: Wow, this ad campaign we got from those guys is great! It's so funny! Hey Bill, check out this ad campaign!
Bill: Wow that's awesome! I really like this stuff! But...why are there terrorists in this ad?

And just like that, the ninjas died.


Unknown said...

Hey...all I gotta say is this:

(and don't let the man get you down)

Ben Dover said...

I see your ninja reference, and raise you one more:

Unknown said...

I think you're lying...I went to your alleged link and it told me the photo was unavailable. I believe that means I've won this round. :)

Ben Dover said...

No, it means those ninjas are so invisible even the internets can't find them.

Unknown said...
