Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Meaning of "True Christmas"

Wife and I saw a movie preview today for that crappy-looking Adam Sandler movie coming out. The plot involves something about him reading stories and them coming true. At the end of the trailer, the words "Coming Christmas Day" appeared. But they showed up like this:
Then, the word "True" faded in, so it read:


Obviously, they intended it to read "Coming true, Christmas day". But I was so focused on the shitty fade effect that I read it as "Coming, true Christmas day".

Which prompted me to lean over to the wife and say "True Christmas? What the hell is True Christmas? Like Easter?". This in turn caused the wife to nearly die of laughter. When she could breathe again she assured me this was the most hilarious- and stupidest- thing I'd said in quite some time.

So of course, I had to tell you.

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